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Shine Not Burn

Shine Not Burn - Elle Casey Free to borrow with Prime or KU-->Shine Not Burn

Ladies love cowboys!

It started out as hey cutie where are you from and turned into oh no what have I done?
And I don't even know my last name.

My mama would be so ashamed.

He swung so easily between strong, sexy cowboy and soft-hearted loverboy, he was making me dizzy with it.

Absofuckinglutely loved this! Cowboy fantasy perfect!
Without Mack's pov, the reader is left to infer his motivations.
The subtext hints he thinks she's adorable, fiesty, smart, beautiful when she stumbles and blushes.
The humor is very self-deprecating, making it easy to dislike Andie.
But really she's struggling with voices calling her a slut in her head, beating her with a belt, feeling loss of control. Her coping mechanism is attaching herself to losers and beating herself up mentally.
Mack somehow sees through all this despite her constant rejections of him.
She's in denial, but he believes.
He was branding my heart, showing me that he was going to love me whether I liked it or not and that I was his and no one else’s.

He even goes straight out and buys a ring after her rejection of his love after the bathroom scene. He also blows off the ranch work to get Hannah out of his house asap.

Also hidden in the subtext is how wonderful it is for her to finally have a mother figure in Maeve, how his parents are totally invested in the whole thing, and how painful it must be for Ian to watch his brother end up with her.

So, lots not said, but there nonetheless if you look between the lines.
This style suits me, easily landing this one on my favs shelf. Love it. &#x2764

[bc:Shine Not Burn|17973653|Shine Not Burn (Shine Not Burn, #1)|Elle Casey|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1369392331s/17973653.jpg|25197486][bc:MacKenzie Fire|21846948|MacKenzie Fire (Shine Not Burn, #2)|Elle Casey|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1396842739s/21846948.jpg|41117917]
Book 2, Ian's story, May 2014!